May 7, 2024TotojackpotThe closing price of Prev is 3147Totojackpot.74 points, up 0.22%, and the gem index closed at 1892.54 points, down 0.14%. After a continuous rally, the market index needs to be shaken. Funds prefer undervalued, performance-growing subjects, and are cautious about the direction in which valuations are relatively not low and there is no performance support. The rise in the dollar index led to a correction in gold under pressure, and consumers and investors were cautious about the market and advised to wait and see in the short term. The performance of crude oil prices is relatively weak, and commodities that are closely related to crude oil prices need appropriate attention. 360 issued a notice saying that there are no financial difficulties and will be held legally responsible for false rumors. For this news, it is necessary to be neutral and self-preservation based on the determination of the regulatory authorities. Russian Deputy Prime Minister said that the OPEC+ is analyzing the possibility of increasing crude oil production, if the increase is expected to have a negative impact on crude oil prices, but will help control inflation. South Korea's imports of Chinese onions soared by 764%, and the retail price of small tomatoes soared by more than 40%, reflecting the devaluation pressure on the South Korean currency and the upward pressure on global agricultural products.

totojackpot| Be cautious! Short-term wait and see!

Keywords market index, capital, performance bullish bearish (bullish) market index needs to shock, the whole capital still prefer undervalued, performance growth of the subject matter, there is no performance support, valuation is not low direction, or cautious, a little pull, you will adjust the shock. We should pay attention to the problem of structural differentiation. [investor diary] May 7, 2024 Hexun self-selected stock writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.